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Contribute to The #ShakeTheSystem Anthology

To all our Shake! family,  Hoping you and yours are well and safe and sending you love and healing.    During this time of mass confusion and uncertainty, we recognise the necessity to amplify the voices of those marginalised and the necessity of our...

Climate change: who should we trust?

By Orla PriceOn 30 September this year the Free Word Centre held a discussion on the topic ‘Trust and the environment’. The discussion centred on what sources of information we could trust in the face of climate change, and how education, the media, politics and the...

Headspace – Shake #5 Poem – “Dear Beauty in the Rubble”

Headspace: when we think about how the amazing capabilities of the mind to imagine and  agility of the brain to calculate, reason and deduce, we always imagine it to be an electrifying place to be. It should and always be.Shake’s Headspace 2014  is...

Idle No More by Umaru

Umaru Saidu  deliberated hard over this poem during the Shake course in Feb. A passionate reading at the Shake Voice, Verse, Power Showcase at the AlbanY, 23rd June 2013.