Black Words Matter

Today, we’ll be sharing our films, poems, and other alternative media at ‪#‎BlackWordsMatter‬ Rich Mix London: a conversation about media justice – poetry – film – performance. How do Black words matter? To whom should they matter? And...

A Reminder for Our Liberal Selves

by Sai Murray A Reminder for Our Liberal Selves: Black people are systematically destroyed by the media and the marketers as well as by police bullets. Black voices are destroyed by well-meaning White voices We do know… it’s Christmas We know what time it is We have...

Sarah Reed – Shake! statement of support

Sarah Reed – Shake! statement of support: Please come to this vigil tonight, 7pm outside Holloway Prison. Sarah Reed’s murder holds up what we know already, we know that people of colour and women will only ever be safe outside the system. Outside state...

Resistance Is Fertile – Showcase feedback

We had a full house and a thoroughly engaged audience at our 6th Shake! showcase of film, poetry, music, song, zines and creativity. Pure magic, beauty and power. Big love and thank you to all the beautiful people that made the night so special.  ♥♥♥ Here’s a...

Shake! Showcase no.6 – #ResistanceIsFertile

*** 26th January 2016 *** Our 6th Shake! showcase is gonna be a biggie! Teaming up with the afro-funky family vibes of Numbi we’ll be presenting poetic, filmic & musical responses to injustice (themed around #StatesOfViolence + #FoodFight) from the...

Shake! #FoodFight Reflections

By Jethro Jenkins Shake! is a 5-day intensive course for 16-25 yr olds, consisting of creative workshops designed to equip them with the tools they need to fight oppression and build campaigns in their communities. Through various art forms – poetry, filmmaking,...
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