Please come to this vigil tonight, 7pm outside Holloway Prison. Sarah Reed’s murder holds up what we know already, we know that people of colour and women will only ever be safe outside the system. Outside state structures that are in fact systems of oppression. Sarah encountered state violence (physically, sexually and mentally) through: British medical & mental health system, criminal, legal, and police system, British media. Sarah, like so many women of colour who are routinely and fatally failed by all the structures which appear to be in place protect or at the very least serve us. In reality these spaces women, more so for women of colour, end up becoming places where they are subject to more gendered harms and violence. We need to get real about the reality of state institutions and structures; they are a web of entrapment to deepen the violence, marginalisation and disposability of oppressed groups. This is why Sarah was failed at every societal level, every aspect of society hurt her, especially when she needed help and support most, and this is the reality for so many people in this country. (If this is not the case for you, then understand what privileges you posses that protect you from this experience). Oppressed groups have a womb to prison pipeline be that a physical or mental one. And if this is the life we are subjected to by the State, then lets call it what it is- State terror and stay firm in our commitment to justice, because none of us are safe.
State terror: “The terror operates quietly and secretly, below and between the lines, as it were, and in the blatant contradictions between the “official story” and what actually happens on the ground. The chaos and the terror are disguised behind a façade of normalcy, and the culture of terror moves between the space of death and the space of everyday. In fact, everyday life is truly terrifying, whether in the form of political kidnappings and torture, or in the daily experiences of the shantytown poor… who live just one step away from the public morgue and the collective grave and whose only act of subversion is that they have managed to survive at all.” ( thnx Yasemin Ozer for this definition) #SarahReed #SayHerName #BlackLivesMatter
Please also sign and share petition for TWoC imprisoned in men’s prison without access to hormones.