Remembering Oluwale

It was our pleasure to collaborate with the international trailblazing Leeds Young Authors for our Britain on Trial event in 2011. Tonight this dynamic group of young poets are involved in the launch of an important project, Remember Oluwale. The life and tragic death...

more great youth, arts and activism projects this summer

Organised by Apples and Snakes.SHAKE THE DUST – the National Youth Poetry Slam final, (featuring Yorkshire heat-winners coached by Shake’s own poet-mentor extraordinaire Sai Murray), is happening Saturday 7th July, 2 – 5pm, in London’s...

More on Britain on Trial

See an interesting review by a participant in Britain on Trial – Gloria Dawson – on the Platform blog.And here is some feedback from Shake! young poets Rotimi Skyers & Selina Nwulu:What did you get out of the whole thing? What was the most...

Zodwa Nyoni – A Letter for Mama Oluwale

One of the most successful aspects of Britain On Trial was the coming together and sharing of experiences between active, articulate, dedicated young people from two different parts of the UK and from two different artistic organisations – Leeds Young Authors...
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