HEY STEVIE – A tribute poem for Stephen Lawrence by Rotimi Skyers

Reviewed by Zena A hard hitting poem by a young man who had never written poetry before but found his voice in less than a week!! Another piece that successfully communicates the waste of life to race hate as Rotimi almost puts himself in the place of Stephen. He...

INJUSTICE – A poem written my K.K Johnson

Stephen-Lawrence died before his time.His death brought about the creation of this centre.A charitable trust created in remembrance of him.He was an architect in training.And a brave and intelligent person. – K.K JohnsonReview by Zena –  K.K writes...

THOU SHALT NOT KILL – Poem by Selina Nwulu

I wrote, Thou Shalt Not Kill, as I was really struck by how despite the fact that Stephen Lawrence was murdered, there is so much of him still alive somehow. And after spending a week in the Stephen Lawrence centre and seeing his pictures in the reception area, I...
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