Remembering Oluwale

It was our pleasure to collaborate with the international trailblazing Leeds Young Authors for our Britain on Trial event in 2011. Tonight this dynamic group of young poets are involved in the launch of an important project, Remember Oluwale. The life and tragic death...

Shake! Stars Poetry

Happy National Poetry Day (for yesterday…!)Yes we just missed posting about this by a few hours but we do have a good excuse as we’re busy busy in the exciting recruiting process for our new Shake! coordinator.A revamp of this blogsite is also needed we...

NEWS! Arts Council funds Shake’s major programme!

Great news at Shake! ACE funded the pilot, and have now come through for the major programmeWith the Arts Council coming up with a major grant of £57,000, we are 50% towards our funding target to roll Shake! out at two London centres over three years. We’ll...

more great youth, arts and activism projects this summer

Organised by Apples and Snakes.SHAKE THE DUST – the National Youth Poetry Slam final, (featuring Yorkshire heat-winners coached by Shake’s own poet-mentor extraordinaire Sai Murray), is happening Saturday 7th July, 2 – 5pm, in London’s...

Zena Edwards in new video documentary on ‘riots’

Check out a taster of this critical new film coming out soon, this one featuring Zena Edwards.To follow what’s happening with the film VoiceOver: Riots Reframed, go here.They write: ‘VoiceOver: Riots Reframed’ is an independent documentary aimed at...
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