Applications Open for Shake! Arts >> Media >> Race >> Power

Monday 5th– Friday 9th August 2013 FREE 5-day course for 16-25 year old’sShake! is a dynamic youth initiative using art as a powerful non-violent force for change and a celebration of youth voices. Each day Shake! creative workshops will provide space to imagine...

Zena and Sai’s Tributes to Jayne Cortez

Shake!’s poetry facilitators for our upcoming August course pay tribute to Jayne Cortez.We’ve previously posted about John La Rose being an inspiration for Shake! together with New Beacon Books and the George Padmore Institiute – tonight these...

Shake! ’13 @SLCT, The Low down…

Having completed our first Shake! intensive for 2013 we are bursting with ideas, continuity projects and creative ways to use our voices to shake things up. The week at the Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust was truly inspiring, uplifting and emotional.Through...
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