Surviving the System

Surviving the System by Zena Edwards So Shake is back.  We have been on hiatus for nearly 8 months and we’re back with a new Shake intensive course. #SurvivingTheSystem takes a birds eye view of the planet, zooms in and looks at the streets of everyday living and...

#SurvivingTheSystem: Building Economies & Ecologies of Resistance

Announcing our next free 5 day intensive course! #SurvivingTheSystem: Building Economies & Ecologies of Resistance Brady Arts and Community Centre, Tower Hamlets 24-28 October, half term holiday, 2016 This is the latest in our series of free 5 day courses for...

#Shake2013 at the Bernie Grant Arts Centre – photos

#Shake2013 at the Bernie Grant Art Centre, a set on Flickr.Whooo! There are never enough words or emotions to express what the Shake! intensive does to us. Minds officially blown! Thank you to all our wonderful facilitators and participants. And in lieu of words...

Applications Open for Shake! Arts >> Media >> Race >> Power

Monday 5th– Friday 9th August 2013 FREE 5-day course for 16-25 year old’sShake! is a dynamic youth initiative using art as a powerful non-violent force for change and a celebration of youth voices. Each day Shake! creative workshops will provide space to imagine...
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