Shake! Supernova Showcase
The final showcase with performances from Shakers! over the years Time: 12pm-10pm Location: Rich Mix London About this event As we 'explode' and go away, we are leaving behind a beautiful, colourful nebula of hope. Join us in London to celebrate Shake!’s history and legacy, and enjoy a beautiful,...
Shake is coming to an end
For 14 years, we have been shaking it up. Supporting Global Majority youth to take up space, unapologetically; creating spaces of healing, art, care and radical political education. We want to keep the pressure for change authentically youth-led. So, in 2025, we have made the considered decision...
Youth work backstories, reimagining safeguarding and embodiment
In June, we had the pleasure of coming together for the second rendition of our Safe Yeah? course that we ran in April. Even though we had run the same workshops two months beforehand, we know that each course is different and special. We started the Saturday with welcomes, a grounding ritual,...
Safe Yeah? Reflections from our recent course
On Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th April we were delighted to run our first edition of “Safe Yeah?”, a free weekend course on radical youth work for People of the Global Majority. Shake!’s history originated with running courses for young people, and it felt like passing the baton to transition into...
A World Without Racism Book with a chapter from us!
We are so delighted to announce that we will have a chapter on 'Creative and Embodied Approaches to Antiracism' in Joshua Virasami's new book 'A World Without Racism: Building Antiracist Futures', published by Pluto Press. This book will be released in July 2024 with chapters on topics such as...
Safe yeah? – Radical Youth Work in a hostile environment
Dates: Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th April 2024 Location: Holloway Road, London, N7 6PA What does it mean to be a Global Majority* youth worker today? For many of us, it often means being caught between what's in the best interest of the communities we not only work with, but the communities we...