About us

Voices that Shake! brings together young people, artists & organisers to develop creative responses to social injustice.

Prioritising Black and people of the global majority, Shake! uses a model of personal transformation and structural change to challenge established imbalanced power bases and to re-imagine new infrastructures in opposition to white supremacy, cis-het patriarchy, racial capitalism, colonialism and state violence.

We do this by emboldening young people to realise the tools and inherent power they hold as active members in their communities and to re-imagine and build new infrastructures with resilience and confidence.

Working intergenerationally, Shake! builds holistic, decolonial and politically radical educational programmes and creative campaigns to foster a catalytic and self-determined community of creative organisers/leaders embedded in and led by the grassroots.

Together, we are dismantling, visioning, re-building and cultivating a future praxis and embodiment of transformative justice, systemic change and community accountability.



Initiating Shake! 2010–12

Shake! was initiated by Platform, the London-based arts-activist organisation in 2010. The pilot programme was conceived by Ben Amunwa, with Jane Trowell from Platform, poet-facilitators Zena Edwards (©VerseinDialog) and Sai Murray (Liquorice Fish), DJ Kirenga Kirengera Eric Soul (AFROGROOV), Ana Tovey (Chocolate Films) and educator Ed Lewis. For the pilot, we collaborated with partner-venue the Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust, London. Thank you also to Kadija Sesay of African Writers Abroad for advice and support. Platform has hosted Shake! since the pilot. This involves supporting the director/coordinator role; financial, fundraising, comms and advisory services; office space and resources as needed. www.platformlondon.org

Establishing and growing Shake! – 2012 onwards

In 2012, Farzana Khan was appointed to lead and guide Shake! to a new level of impact. Relaunching after the pilot, together with Shake!’s young people and the Shake! core team – lead artists Zena (til 2016) and Sai; new facilitators Paula Serafini and Dhelia Snoussi – Farzana stewarded Shake! into the deeply transformative, youth-centred practice for which it has become acclaimed. As Creative and Strategic Director, Farzana also developed Shake!’s community building processes and healing justice ethos which Shake!’s young people have recognised again and again as core to their experience. Over this time, Shake!’s youth-led cultural productions, showcases and events achieved sell-out status for the calibre of artwork and the power of young artists’ performance. Shake! has packed audiences into venues such as Brady Arts Centre, Free Word Centre, and via Numbi Arts, our regular venue of Rich Mix, London. 

In 2017, Farzana Executive Director of Healing Justice London, Co-founded with Saara Jaffery-Roberts, which she acknowledges is inspired and informed deeply by the work of Voices that Shake! Healing Justice London is partner to the Shake! the System trilogy of publications.

From 2019, the Shake! the System trilogy of publications has been overseen by Farzana and Artistic Co-Director Sai, in close collaboration with the rest of the editorial team, tiff webster, Rose Ziaei, Jane Trowell. This Anthology, the Research Report, and Guidebook honour 10 years of Shake!’s pioneering work – supporting, editing and amplifying young writers and artists, many of whom are published for the first time. 

The following organisations have helped establish and grow Shake! over the decade. This is a non-exhaustive list. Some have been with us throughout and some for short periods of time and some in a seasonal way: AFROGROOV, Bernie Grant Arts Centre, Brady Community Arts Centre, @VerseinDialog, Free Word Centre, Globe Poets, Granville Community Kitchen, Healing Justice London, Liquorice Fish, Nawi Collective, Numbi Arts, Nuwave Pictures, Rainbow Collective, Raven Row Gallery, Rep the Road, Rich Mix, Stop the Maangamizi, Stuart Hall Foundation, Skin Deep, Stephen Lawrence Centre, The Albany

Shake! is funded by Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, Paul Hamlyn Foundation, and Arts Council England. 


Shake! Legacy & dissemination team 2022 – Present

Annick Météfia

Annick Météfia

Legacy Programme Manager

Annick Météfia is a youth worker and racial justice activist from France, based in London. She supports young Black and brown people in researching the history and developing a collective response to police violence, racism and LGBT phobias. She writes poetry and is a member of the ballroom community.


tiff webster

tiff webster

Videographer and editor

tiff is a creative practitioner & strategist, a moving-image editor and storyteller of African-Caribbean Kittitian (pronounced kit-ish-an) and Galician (pronounced ga-li-thi-an) lineage. They have been involved in varied forms of disruptive practice and trouble-making, and been part of building sustainable movements and collectives for over 10 years. Their practice centres around life-affirming remembering and forms of storytelling through multi-medium moving image & sound, with a focus on Black & Global Majority, Queer, Disabled and working-class archives, and movements of resistance. They work with an awareness and a commitment to values and politics that centre, and are in alignment with: Internationalist solidarity, Disability justice and collective care, abolitionist practice, reparations in all forms, and future system building.
Sai Murray

Sai Murray

Facilitation and Partnerships Lead

Sai Murray is a poet, writer, graphic and performance artist of Bajan/Afrikan/English heritage. His poetry collection Ad-liberation and novella are published by Peepal Tree Press. He is the founder of artist/activist organisation Liquorice Fish, a founding Artistic Director of Shake!, member of Virtual Migrants.Visit website >

Farzana Khan

Farzana Khan

Strategic Advisor, Editor & Mentor

Farzana Khan is a cultural producer and award-winning arts educator. She is the Executive Director and Co-Founder of Healing Justice London and former Creative and Strategic Director on Voices That Shake!. She has over 10 years experience in community and youth organising. Farzana is a Fellow at the International Curatorial Forum. Visit website >

Lauren Pemberton-Nelson

Lauren Pemberton-Nelson

Communications Lead

Lauren is an anti-capitalist and abolitionist with her communication work predominately focused on social inclusion, and leading on communication channels. She enjoys using digital communication channels to engage people, and particularly enjoys creating communication strategies and writing articles.


Jane Trowell

Jane Trowell

Continuity Support Role

Jane Trowell is an art educator, curator and Londoner. She works with Platform and is currently completing a PhD in whiteness and coloniality in art and art education. She was part of the founding team for Voices that Shake! 2010–2012, and has supported Shake! through fundraising and advocacy. She was the coordinator of Shake! during 2021.

Sinead Solomon

Sinead Solomon

Events Producer

Sinead is a creative producer of Jamaican and Guyanese heritage with experience in moving image, documentary photography, and event production.
Based in South London, Sinead is passionate about storytelling, community building, and craft activities that support marginalized communities.

Shake! the system team members from 2020 – 2022

Rose Ziaei

Rose Ziaei

Strategic Advisor

Rose Ziaei is an Iranian programme manager, participatory researcher, educator and healer raised in the UK. She has been working at the intersections of social justice, healing and liberation practice, creativity, arts and culture, youth and community work for the past 8 years. She managed the legacy programme at Voices that Shake!, leading on the anthology, research report and toolkit and currently supports Shake! as a strategic advisor.  @roseziaei

Haneen Hammou

Haneen Hammou

Secondary Researcher

Haneen Hammou is Sudanese who grew up between home and the UK. She is a Shake!r pursuing work in the field to end detention migration, and is currently Secondary Researcher for the Voices that Shake! 10-year anniversary report, ‘A Decade of Shaping Change’.

Paula Serafini

Paula Serafini

Research Mentor & Editorial Associate

Paula Serafini is a London-based Argentinian researcher, educator, artist and activist working for socio-environmental justice. She has published extensively on art activism, cultural policy, extractivism, social movements and care.

Deborah Ajia

Deborah Ajia

Communications & Social Media Lead

Deborah Ajia is a south London based Digital Media professional and illustrator. Fostering togetherness and collaboration between different communities is important to her, hence she is an avid volunteer at South London Cares, Age UK and Incredible Edible Lambeth.

Shake! Team profile illustrations
by Anni Movsisyan ©

The Politics of Language and Imagery: 

A Guide to Shake!s Terms and Images

Language and Terms

Shake! reaches towards building a full recognition of the cultural heritages of Shake!rs and those in our communities, while trying to capture our specific richness. The struggle to be named and reflected on our own terms, rather than to be described and racialised by white supremacy culture, is ongoing. 

In our trilogy of publications – Anthology, Research Report and Handbook – the core Shake! Team uses the phrase Black people and people of colour. 

We honour and respect  folk with lived experience of being racialised who use other phrases and/or terms as identifiers that are unique and appropriate to them and their experiences. Shake! does not participate in erasure of language or self-identifiers of our communities. Shake! does not invalidate the use of terms used outside of Black people and people of colour.

When Shake! began, we worked with Black and brown people, transitioned towards Black and people of colour and lastly discussed whether or not to settle with Black people and people of the global majority. 

We initially moved away from Black and brown due to feelings of the phrase felt restrictive and not acknowledging the full diversity of humanity. We  choose to capitalise Black to acknowledge and highlight both the specific harms of anti-Black racism – which is not only a phenomenon of whiteness. 

We moved towards Black people and people of colour as a solution to feeling that brown did not embrace the breadth of international cultural heritages which are racialised by white supremacy. However people of colour originated in the US with a US social and cultural framing. While in the UK we share similar levels of racialisation and racism due to historic imperialism, colonisation and the system of white supremacy and systemic racism manufactured and exported out from this land, the US experience, is also very specific in terms of US settler-colonialism, and can’t encompass the multiplicity of non-white experiences of the rest of the world. Consequently, this phrase did not feel fully representative and created concerns of centring whiteness and perpetuating whiteness as default and also suggesting white people are devoid of ‘race’. 

People of the global majority coined by Dr. Barbara J. Love is inclusive of non-white folk around the world. It renders non-white people’s identities independent of whiteness, and it also affirms non-white people’s inherent power as the majority of the world’s population. (Lim, D 2020) 

Although Black people and people of the global majority is a term we want to move towards, we agreed that it’s currently not a term that many of our young people are using, and could create a sense of alienation and inaccess to our readers. 

Consequently, we settled with Black people and people of colour for our publications

Language is political, but in and of itself is not our liberation. Terms and language are ongoing, constantly moving as power and resistance to oppression evolves. 

By the time our publications reach you, the terms we use may have become outdated or even redundant. We encourage you to engage with these texts in a dynamic way that follows less the form and more the substance.


Photographs and contributions

The people who are visible throughout Shake!’s publications and online consented to their visibility.

However for many Shake!rs, allies, mentors, artists (Black people and people of colour, of diverse sexualities and sexual identities, from precarious economic circumstances, with varying cognitive, physical and mental health capacities) being visible puts us at daily risk of harm and abuse in oppressive cultures.

We recognise not everyone we want to honour and acknowledge from the Shake! community can be visiblised or made known, so we make an effort to uphold and remind ourselves that we travel with and protect those seen, unseen, known and unknown. As you make your way through these pieces of work we encourage you to hold the entire constellations behind Voices that Shake!

Partners & Friends & Allies

The following list of organisations and partners have helped establish and grow Shake! consistently over the decade.*

Nuwave Pictures, AFROGROOV, Numbi Arts, The Rainbow Collective, Globe Poets, Healing Justice Ldn, Stop the Maangamizi, Raven Row Gallery, Rich Mix, Liquorice Fish, Conversations: Verse in Dialog, Granville Community Kitchen, Stephen Lawrence Centre, Rep The Road, Bernie Grant Arts Centre, Brady Community Arts Centre, Free Word Centre, The Albany.

*This is a non-exhaustive list. Some have been with us throughout and some for short periods of time and some in a rotary and seasonal way.

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