LIVE & updated info: What you can do to support #GrenfellTower fire survivors.

Here is a shareable google doc with practical steps people can take to help those affected by the devastating fire.

Info on:
Action & Background – centring the residents narrative
Support for those affected – where & who
Places for donations
What is being requested
Where you can donate (crowdfunders)
Collection times and areas ( locally)
Stay updated & Solidarity
Housing offering support – rooms/ and houses to stay.

Please share widely and lets make this a sustained and collective effort.…/1-0WjtDybp_bNLUzLHW6oBt2RGl…/edit…

You can input in how you would like to support/ housing/lifts/food. This is being sent to key organisers and community centres on the ground, to help streamline and co-ordinate efforts. Please input. This is not just for today but the next couple weeks. Link is at the bottom of the Gdoc- Grenfell Fire: How can you Help and here…/1FAIpQLSdfUgysJQomHr8aJ…/viewform…


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