FREE 5-day course for 16-25 year old’s
– 18-22 February 2013
Art can be a powerful non-violent force for change.
Each day Shake! creative workshops will provide space to imagine what justice looks like, experiment with new ideas, learn new tools and fire up your imagination.
Over the five days, the course will include:
>> interactive workshops, stimulating dialogue & skill-shares with practicing artists/activists/
>> practical hands-on techniques in spoken word, online media, film/video and music technology to develop your ideas around injustice and power.
>> access to a/v equipment, workshop spaces and refreshments at the landmark Stephen Lawrence Centre.
>> opportunity to showcase your work and continued involvement in the Shake! network.
** LIMITED PLACES AVAILABLE (for 16-25 year olds) **
To receive a short application form and for more information please contact:
** Deadline for applications:
Shake! is initiated and coordinated by Platform in association with: Conversations Verse in Dialog // Liquorice Fish // Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust // Afrogroov
Platform is a company limited by guarantee no. 2658515 and a registered charity no 1044485.