Shake! is very excited to be part of the Rebellious Media Conference, which will be taking place in Central London on 8-9 October. The event will feature speakers such as Noam Chomsky, John Pilger and Laurie Penny and will bring together writers, activists, journalists and students, to raise rarely asked questions about the relationship between the mainstream media, power and democracy. These people are seeking, or making, their own forms of rebellious media.
Shake! will be hosting a workshop on the civil unrest of 6-10 August, titled ‘The Unheard: Youth, the “Riots”, and the Media’. While there has been an outpouring from the media around these events, very little of this actually takes into consideration the views of young people – despite them occupying centre stage. Moreover, the media seems to present every young person as the same, ignoring the uniqueness and individuality of every person and different social contexts in which events took place. So let us hear from you! Fill in our online questionnaire and tell us what YOU think about the civil disturbances, and in particular how the media portrayed them. And please circulate it to others!