We recently asked some participants in the August 2010 Shake! course for some reflections, one year later, and this is some of what they said. In light of the recent ‘riots’, we are more determined than before to make Shake! the most effective project it can be…
“One of the first things Shake helped me do, was to find confidence in my writing. This helped me personally record and write about my experiences of the student movement – pieces of writing which I am sure will remain with me for some time. Since the course last summer, I have maintained contact with facilitators and artists, who have offered insightful workshops around fundraising and social media. The artists have helped shape and improve my poems, which has been invaluable. I have also worked on producing the Shake newsletter and maintaining the blog.” Samia
“I initially joined the shake project with an interest in the video workshops that were being held for a week. But I have gained so much more from being part of the project. Apart from learning new skills I was given the confidence to be able to express myself and show my creativity with local and national issues that effect people. The catalyst for this was being exposed to issues of injustice that were both local and global. I was introduced to like minded people who cared about important issues and the environment that we live in. I know now that it is not just me that cares about theses things and that we can communicate our messages through art, media and social networking. I am now more aware of the important issues going on around me, such as the tuition fee’s debate and the uprisings in the middle east. Being part of shake has given me the skills and understanding to have a voice with issues that affect us.
After the shake project the team has continued to support me and keep me updated on events and meetings which I think has really helped with staying in touch with the other shakers as well as continue the great work that has already been achieved. We came together to put on a show case for special guests at the Albany theatre which was an amazing experience and left me with a great sense of achievement. I was able to help cut a trailer for the show, perform my protest poem and help film the event. I was only able to do this because I had learnt the skills from the course mentors and gained incredible support from our mentors Jane, Ana, Ed, Z, Simon, Eric and Ben, who gave us the confidence to express ourselves. I recently attended the May Day march as I wanted to document it for the shake blog as well as experience a peaceful protest for myself.
I continue to receive updates and emails about events and training sessions regarding shake. I see the the members of shake as a family now, as we have now have a bond and began a journey of discovery and expression. I have gained full time employment, which makes it harder for me to attend the shake events which is a disappointment, but I know that the skills I gained from shake has helped me to for-fill my potential and I will always be grateful that I was part of something special and will continue to be in the future. I believe the project is unique as it brings together people from different backgrounds and interests to explore themes that affect humanity and society, while still keeping things interesting and fluid with its workshops. I only wish that Shake is able to continue its work by helping other people like myself reach their true potential and express themselves. Thanks, Kavi
Shake was a refreshing experience that has open my eyes to new and exciting forms of art, and took me out of my comfort zone. As well as learning new skills i also have made new friends that i still talk and work with.