NEW NARRATIVES – Shake’s Social Policy Seminar

For four months, we at Shake! knocked about the idea of what the content for our “Social Policy seminar” should be. We rigorously discussed how it should function as a tool for change. It only came to light after two months that we had an  issue with the...

I Will Not Let An Exam Result Decide My Fate – Suli Breaks

Great Video about how some young people are wise to some of the failings of the education system. Virtually every line hits a point of observation to provoke thoughts about how education catergorizes people, and lacks true bearing to the current affairs in the...

Shake! vs School?

Ed Lewis is part of the Shake! team, focusing in particular on political education. Here discusses the significance of the project for him and reflects on the most recent Shake! course, held at the Stephen Lawrence Centre this February.I spend most of the working week...

Blown away by visit to Shake!

It’s Friday 22nd of February and I walk up to Stephen Lawrence Centre wondering what the showcase for Shake! will be like. I worked on the pilot in 2010 so had some idea…I walk into the main workshop space and the vibe is hushed, focused, calm. 6 or 7...
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