Art of Nature – by Grainne and Orla

As part of Shake! continuity Orla and Grainne attended a training weekend on the art of nature. Here are some of their reflections on the weekend. The Art of Nature event featured many artists and environmental activists who discussed their own projects. These...

Guest Blog by Saara: Review of Riots Reframed

–> Hello! My name is Saara and I’m going to be helping with the continuity workshops at Shake! Particularly with the monthly film screenings. I am really excited to get involved and learn from everybody!  I recently graduated from Leeds Uni in...

What motivates your activism?

–>  So many of the conversations that take place during Shake! planning and delivery engages with the discussion of what our motivations for activism are? Is there a space for ‘feelings’? Should we be motivated by love or anger? Do they even stand in...

Videos of Shake! at Rebellious Media Conference

Those good people at RMC have now put up a great compilation of videos from Shake’s session “The Unheard: Youth, ‘the riots’ and the media” at the 2011 conference in London.Watch recordings from the session itself, plus interviews...

What is Shake’s ‘Continuity Programme’?

So, the unique thing about Shake! is that each course is followed by a programme of support, training and serious opportunities for young Shakers. We call this the Continuity Programme. The artists, Platform and Shakers are always on the look out and share...
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